Geografski vestnik 95-2

Blaž Komac: Regional sea level rise: data, drivers and effects
Quentin Benoît Guillaume Drouet, Miha Koderman: Methodological challenges in the research on second homes: lessons learned from the Alpine region, Slovenia and the Municipality of Kranjska Gora
Primož Pipan: In search of indigenous speakers of the Slovenian language in Austria: The Bad Radkersburg corner and Burgenland
Aigul Sergeyeva, Miroslava Omirzakova, Kuat Saparov: Development of geotourism and rural tourism for sustainable development of Aktobe Oblast, Republic of Kazakhstan
Adam Gabrič, Krištof Oštir, Žiga Kokalj: Woody vegetation detection with the U-Net convolutional neural network
Geografski vestnik 95-1

Jernej Tiran: »Do we prefer homemade bread to foreign cake?« The impact of local candidacies on the outcome of the 2022 Slovenian parliamentary elections
Maja Topole, Mateja Šmid Hribar, Žiga Kokalj: Challenges for the viticultural landscape – The case of Vipava Hills in Slovenia
Aleš Smrekar, Primož Gašperič, Jure Tičar, Katarina Polajnar Horvat: Active involvement of stakeholders in the management of protected areas: the example of the wetlands of the Sečovlje Salina Nature Park
Erika Džajić Uršič, Peter Čede, Ernst Steinicke, Igor Jelen: The mountainous areas of Friuli-Venezia Giulia between social and economic exclusion and new settlement models. Is it a trend inversion?
Blaž Komac, Rok Ciglič, Mauro Hrvatin, Manca Volk Bahun, Lenart Štaut, Matija Zorn: The Geographical Atlas of Natural Disasters in Slovenia
Geografski vestnik 94-2

Aleš Smrekar, Stanko Pelc, Mimi Urbanc, Jurij Kunaver: One hundred years of the Association of Slovenian Geographers (1922–2022)
Blaž Komac: Large forest fires in Slovenia
Peter Frantar, Andrej Draksler: Climate change impacts on water temperature in Slovenia in the 21st century
Anton Gosar: Expressions of postage stamps in times of political and social transition on the territory of former Yugoslavia – part 2
Marjetka Suhadolc, Anton Govednik, Rok Turniški, Helena Grčman: From soil quality to soil ecosystem services
Igor Jelen, Erika Džajić Uršič, Michael Beisman, Peter Čede, Ernst Steinicke: Abandoned settlements in the mountainous areas of Friuli-Venezia Giulia: the possibilities of recovering of the Canal del Ferro
Janez Nared: Inner Carniola in the regionalization of Slovenia
Geografski vestnik 94-1

Jani Kozina: Spatial aspects of financing culture from public funds of the Republic of Slovenia
Maruša Goluža: Conflicts in spatial planning: Critical evaluation of theoretical approaches to conflict management
Anton Gosar: Expressions of postage stamps in times of political and social transition on the territory of former Yugoslavia – part 1
Rok Turniški, Marko Zupan, Helena Grčman: Historical overview of the use of the term acric in Slovenian soil classification
Martin Bučinel, Mia Koželj, Ema Krebs, Barbara Krnjak, Luka
Požar, Barbara Prekoršek, Lea Prodan, Domen Sotenšek, Tina Šmerc, Jure
Tominec, Branka Razpet, Janez Nared: Main problems of Slovenian youth: A study focusing on life quality, housing, and jobs
Maja Topole, Primož Pipan: The appropriation of the Sečovlje saltpans landscape: natural and cultural heritage
Matjaž Geršič, Drago Perko: Slovenian endonyms in bilingual geographical names in Italy, Austria and Hungary
Geografski vestnik 93-2
Jernej Tiran, Mauro Hrvatin, Matej Gabrovec: Travel time competitiveness of interurban public transport in Slovenia
Dejan Cigale: Analysis of visual elements of leisure attractiveness of Slovenian landscapes
Natalija Špeh, Anja Bubik, Blaž Barborič: Water-ecological conditions in the area of Zaloka Valley
Anton Gosar: The protagonists of social geography: the Slovenian spring
Geografski vestnik 93-1
Mateja Šmid Hribar, Anže Japelj, Suzana Vurunić: Systematic mapping of studies on ecosystem services in Slovenia
Blaž Komac: What is the cost of natural disasters in Slovenia?
Mateja Jelovčan, Tanja Žigon, Mihael Brenčič: History and reconstruction of water level measurements on the Planinsko polje
Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Natalija Novak, Katja Oven: The potential of smartphone images for measuring volunteered geographic information
Anton Gosar: The protagonists of social geography: the beginnings
Geografski vestnik 92-2
Špela Čonč: The importance of protection of geodiversity hotspots for the conservation of biodiversity in the Natura 2000 area in the Dragonja river valley
Matej Vranješ: Stories from the “most beautiful river«: a humanistic geographical perspective on the history of the development and management of tourism on the river Soča
Mojca Cencič, Miha Koderman, Valentina Brečko Grubar: Recreational activities in the area of Slavnik – analysis of the opinions of selected stakeholders
Vanja Tišler, Metod Šuligoj: Apitourism as an intersection of tradition, alternative medicine and the beekeeper’s sustainable income-generating activity
Erik Logar: The diversity of definitions and research approaches in the concept of social capital in geography and related scientific disciplines
Rok Ciglič, Blaž Komac, Drago Perko, Matija Zorn: History of Acta geographica Slovenica: 60th edition
Geografski vestnik 92-1
Tatjana Resnik Planinc, Eva Konečnik Kotnik, Karmen Kolnik, Mojca Ilc Klun: Geography in secondary education: an analysis of the structure of curricula and their evaluation
Matija Zorn, Mauro Hrvatin, Drago Perko: Hydrological connectivity: an introduction to the concept
Tanja Šumrada, Ilona Rac, Luka Juvančič, Emil Erjavec: The preservation of landscape features and their inclusion into Slovenian agricultural policy measures
Nika Razpotnik Visković: Sustainable tourism practices - how can we recognise them?
Kerstin Potthoff, Aleš Smrekar, Mateja Šmid Hribar, Mimi Urbanc: The past and perspective development of pasturing and tourism in the mountains: insights from Norway and Slovenia
Blaž Komac, Matija Zorn: The importance of non-structural flood protection measures
Matjaž Geršič: Slovenian exonyms through the lens of the first Slovenian normative guide
Geografski vestnik 91-2
Peter Kumer, Primož Pipan, Mateja Šmid Hribar, Nika Razpotnik Visković: The role of actors’ cooperation, local anchoring and innovation in creating culinary tourism experiences in the rural Slovenian Mediterranean
Erik Logar: Comparative analysis of volunteer firefighters’ associations impacts of socialising and cooperation in rural communities of Gorenjska and Sauerland
Gregor Kovačič, Tina Rupnik: Water quality of the Rakiški stržen brook after the reconstruction of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Postojna
Jernej Tiran, David Bole, Primož Gašperič, Jani Kozina, Peter Kumer, Primož Pipan: Assessing the social sustainability of a small industrial town: the case of Velenje
Mihael Brenčič: Term karst in Janez Jesenko geographical textbooks
Mauro Hrvatin, Rok Ciglič, Dénes Lóczy, Matija Zorn: Determination of erosion in low hills of northeast Slovenia with Gavrilović equation
Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Dalibor Radovan: Comparison of the volunteered geographic information usage to monitor floods and earthquakes
Drago Perko, Drago Kladnik: Slovenian exonyms in Slovenia's neighborhood
Geografski vestnik 91-1
Rok Ciglič, Gábor Nagy: Naturalness level of land use in a hilly region in north-eastern Slovenia
Domen Kušar, Blaž Komac: Fences in the Slovenian urban landscape
Vuk Tvrtko Opačić, Miha Koderman: Interrelations between spatial distribution of tourism and the second homes in Croatia and Slovenia
Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Daniela Ribeiro: Challenges in tourism sector: how European tourism destinations are dealing with overtourism
Peter Kumer: Representation of Slovenian filming locations in narratives of foreign-produced movies
Valentina Brečko Grubar, Gregor Kovačič: Testing the methodology for determination of the hydromorphological properties of rivers in the case of the Nadiža river
Drago Kladnik, Drago Perko: Additional issues in writing geographical names in Slovenian
Geografski vestnik 90-2
Matija Zorn, Drago Perko: The Historical overview of Geografski vestnik
Mauro Hrvatin, Drago Perko: Morphometric types of landscape hotspots and coldspots in Slovenia
Tanja Travnikar, Luka Juvančič: Spatial pattern of the integration of farm holdings in Slovenia into organic farming
Mojca Poklar, Valentina Brečko Grubar: The changes of seagrass meadows on the Semedela Bay seabed in the period 2009–2015
Bogusław R. Zagórski, Matjaž Geršič, Drago Kladnik: Challenges in the transformation of Slovene geographical names into Arabic
Matej Gabrovec, Nika Razpotnik Visković: Accessibility to public transport as a condition for schoolchildren’s social inclusion
Drago Kladnik, Drago Perko: Capitalization and other issues in writing Slovenian geographical namesn
Geografski vestnik 90-1
Andrej Kranjc: Erare humanum est ali Karosch ni krš: ob 240. obletnici izida Oriktografije Kranjske
Igor Bahar: Karst of Frmile Valley in the Landscape Park Boč-Donačka Gora
Kristina Jerman, Ksenija Vodeb: Social impacts of events in Municipality of Koper
Renata Mavri: Recommendations for sustainable planning of outdoor recreation in the protected areas in Slovenia
Matjaž Geršič, Matej Gabrovec, Žiga Zwitter: Comparing the cultural landscape of Hraški listneki and farming there in the first half of the nineteenth century and today
Matej Lipar: A combined approach to the study of Quaternary aeolian calcarenites for understanding the palaeoclimate
Mojca Foški, Nataša Đurić, Katja Tič, Mihaela Triglav Čekada: Comparative analysis of land cover and land use models in selected countries
Rok Ciglič: Assessing the impact of input data incongruity in selected quantitative methods for modelling natural landscape typologies
Geografski vestnik 89-2
Mauro Hrvatin, Matija Zorn: River discharge trends in Slovenian Alps between 1961 and 2010
Katarina Polajnar Horvat: The efficacy of social influence in environmental awareness and behaviour regarding water
Lucija Lapuh: Theoretically and terminologically about the concept of resilience
Mimi Urbanc: (Un)limited opportunities for geography on the project market
Drago Kladnik, Drago Perko: More appropriate use of Slovenian geographical names
Geografski vestnik 89-1
Mauro Hrvatin, Matija Zorn: Temperature and precipitation trends and river discharge trends in the Idrija Hills
Nika Razpotnik Visković, Primož Pipan, Damjana Gantar, Ina Šuklje Erjavec:
Selecting farm building sites and farm expansion in Slovenia: The legislative framework and experience of Slovenian municipalities
Janina Torkar, Valentina Brečko Grubar, Romina Rodela: Rural development in the prospective Dragonja Landscape Park: a viewpoint from active inhabitants
Blaž Komac, Domen Kušar: Traces of rural heritage in urban landscapes: walled yards in the Bovec area
Valentina Brečko Grubar, Gregor Kovačič: Attitude towards sustainable development and sources of knowledge of sustainable development among geography students in Slovenia
Mihaela Triglav Čekada: Photogrammetric and lidar point clouds
Geografski vestnik 88-2
Gregor Kovačič: Discharge trends of the Adriatic Sea basin rivers in Slovenia, excluding the Soča river basin
Erik Logar, Irma Potočnik Slavič: (In)visible changes of rural communities: examples from Gorenjska region (Slovenia) and Sauerland (Germany)
Janez Nared, Nika Razpotnik Visković: Conurbations in Slovenia
Blaž Komac, Matija Zorn: Natural and man-made dams and related hydro-geomorphic processes
Matjaž Geršič: Field names in agricultural terraces
Peter Mikša, Matija Zorn: The beginnings of the research of Slovenian Alps
Drago Perko, Matija Zorn: Seventy years of research at the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute
Geografski vestnik 88-1
Diana Veble, Valentina Brečko Grubar: The frequency and extent of wildfires on the Kras and in Slovenian Istria
Gregor Kovačič, Nataša Kolega, Valentina Brečko Grubar: Climate change impacts on water quantities and sea flooding in Slovene Istria
Jernej Tiran, David Bole, Peter Kumer: Morphological typology of residential areas in Ljubljana
Tatjana Resnik Planinc: The new paradigm of solution dolines
Matej Lipar: A contribution to Slovenian terminology of karst and its features developed in eogenetic Quaternary calcarenites
Matija Zorn, Primož Gašperič: Geographical heritage: seven decades of the Geographical Museum
Mihaela Triglav Čekada: Radial displacement of objects on the national orthophoto or what we should know when using national orthophoto?
Geograhpical Bulletin 87-2
Leni Ozis, Andrej Šmuc: Tufaceous speleothems in rock shelters in Slovenian Istria
Tatjana Kikec: Geographical typification of Pomurje in relation to sensitivity to drought
Mateja Šmid Hribar, David Bole, Mimi Urbanc: Public and common goods in the cultural landscape
Peter Kumer, Marko Krevs: Understanding the implications of spatial segregation in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Matija Zorn, Blaž Komac: Natural disasters and social irresponsibility
Primož Gašperič: The oldest cartography – development up to the classical antiquity
Dane Podmenik, Maks Bembič: New research approaches in human geography: participative action research
Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Aleš Smrekar: Validity of face-to-face and web surveys in geographical research
Geograhpical Bulletin 87-1
Milan Bufon, André-Louis Sanguin: Geography of border landscapes and the differentiation of current political boundaries
Jure Tičar: Geomorphological characteristics of selected pocket valleys in Slovenia
Gregor Kovačič, Tina Rupnik: The Rakiški Stržen brook: hydrogeographic characteristics and water quality assessment
Anja Trobec: The role of heritage interpretation in national parks
Špela Guštin, Irma Potočnik Slavič: Identification and spatial distribution of conflicts in rural areas
Sašo Moškon, Janez Žibert, Branko Kavšek: Mapping of marine meadows using multibeam sonar data
Blaž Komac: Co-seismic slope processes in Slovenia
Geograhpical Bulletin 86-2 (2014)
FOREWORD (Matija Zorn, Rok Ciglič)
Aleš Smrekar, Mateja Breg Valjavec: Evaluating former and current production of hazardous waste in Ljubljana from the perspective of threats to groundwater
Boštjan Rogelj, Jernej Tiran: Geographical analysis of voter turnout in Slovenia
Valentina Brečko Grubar, Gregor Kovačič: The importance of coastal wetlands for the people of Slovene Istria
Maruša Goluža: The issue of CAP legitimacy in terms of the environmental component of sustainable rural development
Matjaž Geršič, Blaž Komac: The complete geographical works of Rudolf Badjura
Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Matija Zorn: Determining the intensity of geomorphic processes using cyclical aerial photogrammetric measurements of Slovenia
Geograhpical Bulletin 86-1 (2014)
Tina Počkar, Gregor Kovačič, Borut Peric: Hydrogeographical characteristics and the quality of watercourses in the Reka River headwaters
Matjaž Geršič: Treating geography as a science in primary-school instruction
Blaž Komac, Lucija Lapuh: Some thoughts on the concept of resilience in geography of natural hazards
Renata Mavri, Majda Černič Istenič: Rural tourism and social capital in Slovenia (an example of villages in the Municipality of Cerkno)
Marko Pavlič, Miha Koderman: Youth tourism and travel habits of students – the case of the University of Primorska
Geograhpical Bulletin 85-2 (2013)
Matej Blatnik, Blaž Repe: Classification of screes depending on their vegetation characteristics
Mojca Poklar, Valentina Brečko Grubar: The geographical assessment of the impact that agriculture and settlement in the Badaševica river basin have on Gulf of Semedela
Ksenija Perković: Key concepts and processes in cultural geography
Jožica Podreka, Romina Rodela: Local action groups and environmental protection: Overview of the projects which contribute to the second axis of the Rural Development Programme
Aleš Smrekar, Jernej Tiran: The importance of green areas for urban quality of life: The development of the concept over time
Mauro Hrvatin, Drago Perko: Method of global landform classification
Geograhpical Bulletin 85-1 (2013)
Staša Salmič, Miha Koderman: Spatial analysis of second homes in the Municipality of Kranjska Gora
Nika Razpotnik Visković, Miha Seručnik: Respectability of the farming profession and part-time farmers in Slovene society after World War II
Maruša Goluža: The function of second homes in countryside: the comparison between the Municipalities of Cerklje na Gorenjskem and Komen
Mimi Urbanc, Primož Pipan: The future of tourism in the Alps in the light of adaptation to climate changes: Some findings from the ClimAlpTour project
Irena Hergan, Maja Umek: Map use improves pupils’ thinking skills
Jernej Tiran: Choice of method and its influence on the population density
Geograhpical Bulletin 84-2 (2012)
Stanko Pelc: Foreword
Peter Frantar: Temperature regimes of Slovenia's rivers in the period 1976–1990 and the changes in the period 1991–2005
Danilo Kosi: Identity regions in Slovenia
Katarina Polajnar Horvat: Formation of the development model of environmental awareness and evnironmentally friendly behaviour
Matjaž Hribar: Two approaches to nature conservation
Matej Gabrovec, Nika Razpotnik Visković: Suitability of the public transportation network in the Ljubljana Urban Region in terms of dispersion of settlement
Polona Cesar, Mojca Šraj: Evapotranspiration: an overview of impact factors and calculation methods
Geograhpical Bulletin 84-1 (2012)

Special Issue on the Occasion
of the 32nd International
Geographical Congress in Cologne
Matija Zorn, Rok Ciglič, Drago Perko: Foreword
Drago Perko, Matija Zorn: Geography in Slovenia
Rok Ciglič, Drago Perko: Slovenia in geographical typifications and regionalizations of Europe
Mauro Hrvatin, Drago Perko: Morphological typifications of Slovenia’s surface using global classification methods
Bojan Erhartič, Matija Zorn: Geodiversity and geomorphosites research in Slovenia
Gregor Kovačič, Nataša Ravbar, Metka Petrič, Janja Kogovšek: Latest research on karst waters in Slovenia and their significance
Martin Knez, Tadej Slabe: Karstology in motorway construction on Classical Karst
Darko Ogrin: Climate research on Slovenian territory in pre-instrumental period:
weather and climate in the 17th Century
Matija Zorn, Blaž Komac, Špela Kumelj: Mass movement susceptibility maps in Slovenia: The current state
Blaž Komac, Matija Zorn, Domen Kušar: New possibilities for assessing the damage caused by natural disasters in Slovenia – The case of the Real Estate Record
Aleš Smrekar: Environmental awareness in Slovenia through residents’ relationship to waste
David Bole: Socio-economic characteristics of the Slovene urban system
Barbara Lampič, Irena Mrak, Irma Potočnik Slavič: The impacts of globalization in rural areas of Slovenia: examples from the Pomurje and Goriška regions
Vladimir Drozg: Mobility and the lifestyle of the Slovene population
David Bole, Matej Gabrovec: Daily commuters in Slovenia
Dejan Cigale: Development patterns of Slovene tourist destinations
Marjan Ravbar: The role of creativity in geographic studying of human resources in Slovenia
Stanko Pelc: Geographical marginality as a research topic in Slovenian geography
Anton Gosar: From ethnic to national: political geography in Slovenia
Mimi Urbanc, Jerneja Fridl: Education for active citizenship in spatial-planning processes: from teacher to student
Drago Kladnik: Slovenian geography and geographical names
Geograhpical Bulletin 83-2 (2011)
Ela Šegina: Correlations between some coastal forms
Mateja Breg Valjavec, Urška Klančar: Challenges and hindrances for an ecological growing of figs in Slovene Istria
Katja Klep, Stanko Pelc: Immigration from Bosnia and Herzegovina – main demographic characteristics and spatial distribution of immigrants
Nika Razpotnik Visković: Evaluation of the influence of the rural development policy on the regional development
Drago Kladnik: Forest expansion in karst areas as a spatial development factor
Mihaela Triglav Čekada: Possibilities of aerial laser scanning (LIDAR) usage for geomorphologic studies
Geograhpical Bulletin 83-1 (2011)

Matija Zorn: Novo moštvo (there is no english summary)
Mateja Ferk: Morphogenesis of Rakov Škocjan Karst Basin
Eva Konečnik Kotnik, Milena Petauer: Connections between soil distribution and land use in the Mislinja Valley with the hilly margins
Petra Slavec: Quaternary sea-level changes
Nika Razpotnik Visković: The influence of the level of urbanization on the income structure of Slovenian family farms
Petra Gostinčar, Rok Ciglič: Comparison of results of computer-based landform recognition with results of geomorphological mapping
Naja Marot: Use of focus groups in spatial planning: Example of demographic analysis in the model region of Upper Gorenjska region
Geograhpical Bulletin 82-2 (2010)

Dejan Cigale: Characteristics of the tourist visitation of Slovenian municipalities in regard to tourists' country of origin
Simon Kušar: Post-modern approaches in economic geography: institutional approach
Drago Perko, Matija Zorn: Geographic information systems: landscape in computer
Drago Perko: An analysis of geographical bibliographic items according to the rules of the Slovenian Research Agency
Urška Bajc, Mojca Šraj: Errors in precipitation measurements and methods of precipitation correction
Žiga Kokalj, Krištof Oštir: Transformation of spatial data to line segments – a case study of noise impact from a highway section between Brezovica and Logatec
Igor Vrišer: Geographical dilemmas
Vladimir Klemenčič: On Vrišer’s dilemmas and the factual stand of Slovenian geography during the period of the third generation of Slovene geographers
Geograhpical Bulletin 82-1 (2010)
Uroš Stepišnik et al.: The extent of Pleistocene glaciation of Lovćen in Montenegro
Matjaž Geršič: Pioneer plant species and succession on point bars
Vladimir Korošec: Demographical opportunities of Haloze after 1991 and possibilities of regional development
Gregor Balažič: Geographic dimensions of foreign labour in Slovenia since its accession to the European Union
Dušan Plut: Scientific-related and methodological environmental challenges to 21st century geography
Benjamin Štular: Josephine military map (1763–1787) as a source for a study of past landscapes
Jani Kozina: Modelling spatial accessibility to public transport stops in Ljubljana
Geograhpical Bulletin 81-2 (2009)

Matija Zorn, Blaž Komac: Some effects of warfare on natural landscape
Rok Ciglič: Slovenia in natural geographical classifications of Europe
Dejan Rebernik: New processes in urban and spatial development of Maribor
Zarja Bohak, Andreja Borec: Comparison between farms with and farms without successor regarding some structural and socioeconomic farm characteristics
Katarina Polajnar Horvat: The development of environmental awareness in Slovenia
Vladimir Klemenčič: On dilemmas and the factual stand of Slovenian geography during the period of the third generation of Slovene geographers
Drago Perko, Mauro Hrvatin: Determination of landform units in Slovenia using adapted Hammond's method
Geograhpical Bulletin 81-1 (2009)

Sandra Fatorić: Changing of sea level in North Adriatic as an indicator of climate change
Drago Kladnik: Open issues in semantically demarcating the expressions endonym and exonym
Blaž Komac, Matija Zorn: Influence of the Polog rockfall on natural landscape
Mimi Urbanc: Pitfalls and issues in environmental impact reports: The Lipica Stud Farm
Stanislav Južnič: Zois' geographic books
Drago Perko: Morphometric indicators of landform units in Slovenia
Mojca Šraj: Intercepted precipitation: measurements and analysis
Geograhpical Bulletin 80-2 (2008)

Drago Perko, Matija Zorn: The History of Geografski vestnik (Geographical Bulletin)
Matija Zorn: Erosion processes in the Croatian part of “Grey Istria”
Bojan Erhartič: Estimation of constructed wetlands applicability in theTriglav national park mountain huts
Boštjan Kerbler - Kefo: The spatial distribution of mountain farms in Slovene Alpine and Subalpine areas with regard to their succession statuses and decisions
Marjan Ravbar, Nika Razpotnik: Geographical analysis of development factors in Slovenia: creativity and investments
Mimi Urbanc: The multidimensional nature of landscape: Slovenian Istria
László Lóránt Keresztes, Róbert Tésits: The ability of regional labour market adjustment in the villages of Baranya
Daša Goršak, Matjaž Mikoš: Methods for the determination of rainfall-runoff erosivity
Tomaž Podobnikar: Topographical and geomorphic determination of summits and shapes’ analysis
Mimi Urbanc, Drago Perko, Franci Petek: The future of the Alps and the Delphi method
Geograhpical Bulletin 80-1 (2008)

Polona Pagon: Morning thermic wind in Barcola bay near Trieste
Blaž Komac, Karel Natek, Matija Zorn: The spreading of urbanization in flood areas
Metka Furlan, Drago Kladnik: Krotnik, Krotnjek, Krotnjak, Korenščica, or Potok
Rožle Bratec Mrvar, Drago Kladnik: Janez Jesenko – a slightly forgotten colossus of Slovenian geography
Miha Staut: From medical geography to health geography: sub-disciplinary evolution and Slovene perspectives
Matija Zorn: Some methods for erosion processes research
Rok Ciglič: Multicriteria evaluation in spatial planning
Nika Razpotnik, Janez Nared, Mimi Urbanc: A conversation at the cafe: when theory and practice meet
Mimi Urbanc: The use of grounded theory and the ATLAS.ti software in geography
Geograhpical Bulletin 79-2 (2007)

Nika Razpotnik: Environmental conflicts between habitats of the vulnerable bird species and power line network
Drago Kladnik, Franci Petek: Agriculture and changing land use on Ljubljansko polje
Franci Petek, Mimi Urbanc: Common land in Slovenia
Vladimir Korošec: Rural tourism in Lower Podravje and regional tourist service providers
Drago Kladnik, Drago Perko: Problematic country names in Slovene language
Matija Zorn, Blaž Komac: Natural processes in holy books
Marjan Ravbar: The geography of human resources in Slovenia – the meaning of creative social groups for the regional development
Matija Zorn: The Joseph II military land survey as a geographical source
Tomaž Podobnikar, Žiga Kokalj: Triglav national park historical maps analysis
Geograhpical Bulletin 79-1 (2007)

Franci Petek: Land use changing in northern Goriška brda
Mateja Breg: Challenges and obstacles of sustainable agriculture in the Dravsko polje region
Mimi Urbanc, Martin Boesch, Igor Jelen: Culture and regional policy: culture as a factor in the regional development of the Alps
Stanislav Južnič: Geography in Auersperg's »prince« library
Jure Radišek: Suburban region of town Celje
Igor Vrišer: Geographical dilemmas
Drago Perko: Thematic maps and copyright
Brigita Gregorčič: Outdoor water education
Klemen Prah: Using the »integral model of geographical study of the environment and its components« for protecting the water resources
Geograhpical Bulletin 78-2 (2006)

Tatjana Resnik Planinc: Space values as integral part of education
Andreja Ferreira: Assessment of the development of the Upper Gorenjska region from the aspect of environmental, social and economic sustainability
Matej Gabrovec, David Bole: Accessibility of bus stops
Jerneja Fridl, Mimi Urbanc: The communicative value of maps as seen in the light of the first atlas of the world in Slovene language
Blaž Komac: Electrical resistivity measurements as a tool for ascertaining material characteristics in dolomite areas
Drago Perko: How many oceans exist
Žiga Kokalj, Krištof Oštir: Land cover map of Slovenia from Landsat satellite imagery
Klemen Zakšek: Using sky-view factor for visibility analysis
Geograhpical Bulletin 78-1 (2006)
Martin Knez, Tadej Slabe: Lithological and relief characteristics of the Lunan stone forests in the South China karst
Vladimir Korošec: The impact commassation has on agriculture and rural settlements in the Drava and the Ptuj field
Milan Bufon: Political geography of globalization
Vladimir Prebilič: Wars in Africa – African everyday
Rajko Pavlovec: Indigenous karst expressions from Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana moor)
Ana Vovk Korže: Revitalisation of Ložnica stream in the Dravinjske gorice region
Rahman Nurković: The influence of industry on regional development of the Tuzla basin
Ivan Gams: On the importance of Anton Melik for the Slovenian geography
Sebastijan Borko: The methodology of defining forest fragmentation
Geograhpical Bulletin 77-2 (2005)
Drago Kladnik: A geographer's view of foreign geographical names in Slovenian Orthography 2001
Mimi Urbanc, Matej Gabrovec: Place names: a testing ground for demonstration of power and a reflection of local identity
Janez Nared: Spatial characteristics of business networks in Slovenia
Vladimir Korošec: The development problems of the rural settlements in the Spodnje Podravje region
Monika Benkovič Krašovec: Development possibilities of settlements in depopulation areas with regard to the age structure of households
Katja Vrtačnik: Tourism in the selected Slovene alpine tourist resorts in the period 1985–2003
Karmen Pažek, Darja Majkovič, Andreja Borec: Tourism on organic farms in Slovene rural areas
Peter Frantar, Mauro Hrvatin: Discharge regimes in Slovenia from 1971 to 2000
Geograhpical Bulletin 77-1 (2005)
Igor Vrišer: The size of agricultural holdings in Slovenia
Marjan Ravbar: »Urban Sprawl« – a distorted image of (sub)urbanization in Slovenia?
Naja Marot: Regional identity of youth in Zasavje
Jože Rakovec: Causes of climate changes
Darko Ogrin: Climatic changes in the Holocene
Tomaž Vrhovec: The oceans and the climate change
Tanja Cegnar: Climate change and human health and well-being
Mateja Breg, Jerneja Fridl, Drago Kladnik, Aleš Smrekar: Evaluation of illegal dumps according to the priority of the remediation
Geograhpical Bulletin 76-2 (2004)
Katja Vrtačnik: Features of the local climate in the Zagorje valley
David Bole: Geography of public transport in Ljubljana
Róbert Tésits: Characteristics of rural unemployment in South-Transdanubia (Hungary)
Danilo Kosi: Organic farming in Slovenia
Dejan Rebernik: Recent urbanisation trends: from suburbanisation to reurbanisation
Stanko Pelc: Geographical marginality
Franci Petek, Jerneja Fridl: The transformation of the sheets of the Franziscean cadastral map into the Gauss-Krüger coordinate system
Geograhpical Bulletin 76-1 (2004)
Simon Kušar: Differences and similarities in regional development of Idrijsko and Zasavje
Franz Stare: Grosse Einkaufszentren am Stadtrand vs. innerstädtischen Geschäften in Ljubljana
Jernej Mlekuž: Life narrative of migrant Luisa: contribution to »different« human geography
Blaž Komac: Dolomite karst or fluviokarst?
Milan Radovanović, Željko Bjeljac: A supplement to the knowledge of the atmospheric processes over Vojvodina
Dušan Plut: Environmental Dimensions of the Strategy of Economic Development of Slovenia (2001-2006)
Klemen Zakšek, Krištof Oštir, Tomaž Podobnikar: Solar radiation in Slovenia
Geograhpical Bulletin 75-2 (2003)
Mauro Hrvatin, Drago Perko: Forest vegetation and morphometric characteristics of surface in Slovenia
Drago Kladnik: The significance and prospects of farms within Ljubljana's ring road
Irena Rejec Brancelj: Agriculture in Slovenia from the point view of pressures on the environment
Jurij Senegačnik: Presentation of Slovenia in elementary school textbooks of the geography of Europe in the area of the former Yugoslavia
Janez Pirnat: A division of Slovenia on forest management regions – an example of a practical regionalization
Sabine Müller-Herbers, Hildegard Engels, Frank Molder: Kommunales Flächenmanagement als Instrument gegen Flächenverbrauch und Zersiedlung??
Norbert Pap: Political geography of Southern Europe
Borut Peršolja: The path of geographical names from its formation to usage
Geograhpical Bulletin 75-1 (2003)
Matej Ogrin: The influence of the relief on the formation of several microclimatic types in Slovenia
Peter Frantar: Evaluation of surface water gauging stations network suitability in Slovenia
Walter Zsilincsar: The rural-urban fringe: actual problems and future perspectives
Filip Tunjić: The Europe in Between – our reality: a critique of the existing paradigms
Klára Bank, József Rudl, Róbert Tésits: Some features of the human sphere in South-Transdanubia
Stanislav Južnič: Hallerstein's mapping and counting up the Chinese
Ana Vovk Korže: Position and content orientation of physical geography in Slovenia and abroad
Boštjan Kerbler - Kefo: Applied developmental typology of mountain farms in the municipality Ribnica na Pohorju
Geograhpical Bulletin 74-2 (2002)
Matija Zorn: Rock-falls on Mt. Dobratsch
Katja Vintar: Evaluation of regional development in Spodnje Posavje region from the perspective of sustainability
Janez Nared: The development level of Slovenian municipalities and their development perspectives
Matej Vranješ: "The social production of space": Towards an epistemology of space in geography and human sciences
Vladimir Prebilič: Military geography in Slovenia
Peter Jordan: National- und Regionalatlanten und nationale/regionale Identität (National and regional atlases, and national/regional identity)
Drago Perko: Determination of horizontal and vertical surface roughness by digital elevation model
Geograhpical Bulletin 74-1 (2002)
Matija Zorn, Blaž Komac: Slope processes and the debris flow in Log pod Mangartom
Tomaž Verbič, Matej Gabrovec: The ground-penetrating-radar measurements of the Triglav Glacier
Dejan Cigale: Central places in Slovenia and their spheres of influence in 1999
Franc Lovrenčak: Relations between soil and vegetation on alluvial cones in the Planica valley
Ana Vovk Korže: The influence of soil properties on dissemination of bio agricultural areas in Prekmurje
Dušan Plut: Theoretical and terminological aspects of the concept of sustainability or close-to-nature management
Tomaž Podobnikar: Concept of new digital terrain model of Slovenia production
Geograhpical Bulletin 73-2 (2001)
Milan Bufon: Geography of border landscapes, cross-border regions and forms of cross-border co-operation
Tomaž Vrhovec, Andrej Velkavrh: Maximum snow depth on Kredarica
Ivan Gams: On the Afghanistans and other highlanders
Emil Pižorn: The military-geographical evaluation of Slovenian-Croatian border in the Srednje Posotelje region
Zdeněk Máčka: Determination of texture of topography from large scale contour maps
Geograhpical Bulletin 73-1 (2001)
Vladimir Drozg: Shopping centers in Slovenia
Dimitrij Krajnc: Structure and number of premises in old town centre of Slovenj Gradec between 1945 and 2000
Sandi Berk: On foreign language equivalents of Slovene geographical names
Igor Vrišer: Some new notions in economic geography
Simon Kušar: The methodology of the impact assessment of improperly managed waste dumps on the groundwater of intergranular sediments
Lojze Gosar: The development program elaboration method
Geograhpical Bulletin 72-2 (2000)
Milan Bufon: Political geographical bases of cross-border communication in the three-border area between Slovenia, Italy and Austria
Marija Brnot: The dependence of groundwater quality upon groundwater discharge and water table depth
Natalija Špeh: Response of potentially affected population to the further spread of the Velenje coal mine subsidence area
Dimitrij Krajnc: Demographic development of Carinthia for the perioud 1948 to 1996
Andrej Kobler, Lidija Kodrič: Geographic information system supported physical planning - a case study of the Godovič and Črni Vrh cadastral municipalities
Geograhpical Bulletin 72-1 (2000)
Jernej Mlekuž: Slovenians in Mendoza: an attempt of evaluation "source" place as the element of ethnical and national identitety
Uroš Horvat: Tourists, their motives, needs and behavior patterns in Rogaška Slatina
Zlatimir Bićanić, Tonko Baković: Temperature, salinity, and density of seawater in the Northern Adriatic Sea
Ivan Gams: The situation in the (physical) geographical regionalization of Slovenia
Vladimir Drozg: Educational subject matter in the geography of settlement
Metka Furlan, Alenka Gložančev, Alenka Šivic-Dular: Orthographically correct representation of proper names in the code catalogues Register of Geographical Names and Register of Spatial Units
Tomaž Podobnikar: Settlement analysis regarding to geomorphological significances with Monte Carlo method
Geographical Bulletin 71
Dušan Plut: Regionalization of Slovenia by sustainability criteria
Dimitrij Krajnc: Structural changes in the agriculture of Subpannonian Northeast Slovenia after1990 and the possibilities of further development
Dejan Rebernik:Population development in Ljubljana after 1945
Nataša Germ: Suburbanisation of Slovenska Bistrica
Dejan Cigale: Some characteristics of daily and weekend recreation of Domžale residents
Milan Bufon: Problems of territoriality in political and cultural geography
Colin H. Williams: The communal defence of threatened environments and identities
Petr Šindler: Political, social and economical development of Ostrava region in Czech republic
Rajko Pavlovec: Popular names for some rocks and stone cutting tools in Styria (northeast Slovenia)
Irena Rejec Brancelj: Methodological aspects of studying agricultural environmental pollution in regions of Slovenia